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Single Or Several Sessions

Many people contact me because they are having a very specific issue that is important to them to resolve and are looking for something that is quick, effective and gets results. Such issues may be anxiety, phobia, food cravings, grief, anger, chronic physical pains, headaches, desire to quit smoking, depression, or any other thing that may fall under the category of mental/emotional distress.

There is a survey on my site to fill out giving a description of the problem and after I review it, I schedule a free 15-minute call to tell the person whether I can assist or not. If I can, I decide what it may take, based on my 16 years of experience, to overcome the issue. If they decide to proceed, we schedule one or more sessions and do the work. Occasionally after someone sees how fast and easy, they got relief from the issue, they want to talk about doing more and I can custom design a program for what they want to accomplish next. The current fee for a 90-minute session as of June 2019 is $335.

*Since EFT can be so powerful and effective and you can’t know that until you have the experience, I offer a money-back guarantee on your first session.

Sandy’s experience with Matrix Reimprinting

Thomas’ experience with Matrix Reimprinting

Discover the power of a decision and the freedom this ground breaking process provides.

It’s time for positive action. Your new world awaits you!