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4 Days Program For Personal Growth

Working with hundreds of clients over the past 14 years, I have seen the tremendous benefits from certain techniques. When used properly, with direction and accountability, they are very powerful. I can work with folks one-on-one, in groups, by phone, video calls, or in-person. I am always looking for ways to improve delivery of my services. This program is designed for seekers, who in a short period, would like to clear the emotional baggage from their past and learn how to avoid creating more going forward. You will also learn how to deal with chronic or acute physical pains easily and without negative side effects. These techniques do not replace other traditional treatments but often make these not needed or more effective when needed.

I have structured the program to serve four people per session. All would be willing to be open and vulnerable within the group setting. All would be willing to incorporate several tools for optimal living going forward in their life. My intention is to give you experiences and teach you techniques within the four day period. These will amaze you! You will be able to use them for the rest of your life and teach the basics to others you care about. I will also be available to work with each of you after the program as needed, at a discounted rate.

The program is conducted at my home in Hoover, Alabama. I will do one program per month. There is plenty of lodging within two miles of my home. We will provide all meals and snacks, except breakfast each day. Below are the logistics. The program will be four full days Thursday through Sunday. Arrival on Wednesday evening will allow us to get acquainted over dinner.

Wednesday - Arrive at my home by 6 pm for dinner and we will visit until 9 pm
Thursday - 9 am - noon will be group work

  • Noon-1:30 lunch
  • 1:30-3pm and 3:30-5pm will be two one-on-one sessions
  • 5-6:30pm free time here or out if you like
  • 6:30pm dinner and visiting until 9pm
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This schedule will repeat each day so everyone will get 12 hours of group work and 3 hours of one-on-one work. The bonus is great food and significant conversation during the visiting times. Also, while I am doing the one-on-one sessions others can hang out here or do whatever else they choose.

Let me mention some of the basic techniques and concepts that you will experience and learn to do for yourself going forward and some benefits of each one.

  1. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This is an amazing tool. It has been around for 25 years and is easy to learn the basics. You can spend a lifetime improving the art of it. It works well for clearing all sorts of emotional issues, identifying and changing dysfunctional belief systems, phobias, food cravings, physical pains and much more. It is one of the workhorse tools in my coaching practice.
  2. Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) you can get similar results with this as with EFT and I use it to address issues that have more aspects to them. The two processes work very well together.
  3. Byron Katie Work. This is more of a cognitive process that shows you by experience the real cause of all emotions. After much practice, you begin seeing outside experiences totally different and respond to them without creating more emotional baggage. The REAL CAUSE of all emotions is our thinking, not outside events. This work takes that knowledge from the head to the heart, so you can really benefit.
  4. Meditation. Developing a regular, easy habit which has a huge impact on relieving stress and allowing you to be more present with yourself and others.
  5. Cycle of Creation outlines the process that creates the results in your life. Showing you how and where to make the inner changes which result in outside changes permanently. Willpower and discipline are not effective ways to make longer term changes.
  6. Journaling in a specific manner which allows you to be more conscious about how you are living your life. Exposing areas that need to change in order to have a happier, more productive, and smoother life.
  7. Boundaries, Discernment, and Communication. How these concepts can also reduce stress and other challenges.
  8. The fee for this program is currently $1350 as of June 2019

The bottom line of the entire program is to show you, by experiences, how life really works, how you can be at peace and free regardless of what has happened in the past or what is going on now. You are totally responsible for and in control of your life once you understand certain principles.

Discover the power of a decision and the freedom this ground breaking process provides.

It’s time for positive action. Your new world awaits you!